Watch out for more collaborations coming soon!

500g frozen petis pois
1 tbsp olive oil or butter
3 garlic cloves, finely diced
3-4 spring onions, sliced
1 litre vegetable stock
handful of fresh mint
Juice of half a lemon
3/4 cucumber (peeled and chopped) - optional but gives it a lovely refreshing flavour
Black pepper
Lightly saute the garlic and spring onions in the oil/butter for around 5 minutes until softened. Then add the peas and allow to defrost, stirring regularly. Add the stock, lemon juice and cucumber if using and cook for around 10-12 minutes over a low heat. Leave to cool and stir in the fresh mint. Blend well until very smooth. Chill and serve.
Quinoa, feta and watermelon salad
Allow around 50g dry weight quinoa per person
1/4- 1/2 watermelon depending on number of servings required
Vegetable stock
1 packet of feta
Fresh mint or parsley
Lemon juice
Toasted pumpkin seeds
Cook quinoa in vegetable stock for around 10-12 minutes. Leave to cool, draining any excess liquid. Cut watermelon into chunks and remover as many seeds as possible. Cut feta into small chunks. Mix quinoa, watermelon, feta and mint and add lemon juice to taste. Drizzle with a little olive oil or oil of choice. and sprinkle with toasted pumpkin seeds. Easy as pie.
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